Return & Refund Policies
Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel your order before they have been shipped i.e. within 48hrs. Kindly send us a mail to or WhatsApp us on +91 7338836337
What are the conditions for exchange / return ?
I Changed my mind - You may return the products provided the package is unopened and has not been tampered with. The product must be in its original shipping packaged condition. We will happy be to issue a store credit coupon to you against the value of a product if you don't want a cash refund. Shipping charges for RTO will be charged on actuals.
I received a damaged product -You can exchange / return the product in the event that the product that reaches you is damaged or has missing parts. If you have received a damaged product, please send us the image of the product within 48hrs to We will not charge you any additional shipping charges if the product received by you has been damaged.
Can I initiate a refund ?
You can request for a refund by sending us an email to In case you do not want a replacement. The refund will be processed in 5-7 working days after due verification.
NOTE : Returns and exchanges will not be allowed on products purchased on sale, undergarments and hygiene related products like brushes, cleaning supplies etc.
NOTE : All matters pertaining to returns/exchanges & refunds are at the sole discretion of TwinkleTots™.